Dedicated Servers

Dedicated Servers

In Sussex

The fastest and most reliable dedicated server hosting platform! With a dedicated server you are not competing for bandwidth or processing power with other clients' websites, leaving your dedicated solution to run at its full potential 24/7.

Dedicated servers deliver higher rankings and profits

Google™ rewards websites that are quick to respond and ranks them higher in search results. Faster dedicated servers help your business get that revered top spot and provide customers with a higher online experience because pages load faster.

Customers who move from a shared or virtual hosting solution to a dedicated server witness astounding results almost immediately.

Listed below are suggestions of dedicated servers we can supply for your business:

vega 3100 Dell
vega 3200 Dell
Processor Core2Duo 2.66GHz Core2Duo 2.66GHz
Memory 3 GB DDR2 RAM 4 GB DDR2 RAM
Storage 2 x 250GB SATA2 RAID1 2 x 500GB SATA2 RAID1
Windows Platform Server 2003 Web
Server 2003 Standard
Server 2008 Data Centre
Server 2008 Enterprise
Server 2008 Standard
Server 2008 Web
Server 2003 Web
Server 2003 Standard
Server 2008 Data Centre
Server 2008 Enterprise
Server 2008 Standard
Server 2008 Web
Linux Flavours Red Hat Enterprise
Red Hat Enterprise
Used By: Small Business Large Website

If you think that your business can benefit from a dedicated server in Sussex
Get in touch by clicking here
or call 08454 500507

Does your current hosting

provider offer you a 100% server uptime guarantee?

We offer business migration and integration services for UK and internation clients with extensive expertise with critical Linux, Windows and Mac technologies for web and desktop

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